
Kwandwe Melton Manor

A chic and contemporary safari villa, offering relaxed and comfortable family living

Kwandwe Melton Manor

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Kwandwe Melton Manor

Kwandwe Melton Manor

Melton Manor Suite

Wy we Love Kwandwe Melton Manor

Tailored safari experiences provide intimate wildlife encounters, private dining offers elegant dining experiences, leisurely walks in the bush offer tranquility, cultural interactions provide insights into local traditions, and relaxation by the private pool offers a serene retreat amidst nature's beauty.

Kwandwe Melton Manor is a sole-use safari villa with four ensuite bedrooms. The spacious u-shaped villa is characterised by high ceilings and deep, cool verandas, each overlooking the central courtyard and its large swimming pool. Your bedroom offers a private refuge with a large veranda, enormous bed and a butler hatch for unobtrusive morning service. The generous bathtub invites you for a soak and the large windows look out over the sweeping expanse of the bushveld on all sides.


Committed to conservation and community empowerment, Kwandwe Melton Manor strives to preserve and protect the natural heritage of the Eastern Cape while promoting sustainable tourism practices and supporting local communities. Through wildlife conservation initiatives, environmental education programs, and community development projects, the manor aims to ensure the long-term sustainability of the region's biodiversity and cultural heritage.


Guests relish in the exclusivity and opulence of Kwandwe Melton Manor, personalized service ensuring a bespoke stay, expansive living spaces for relaxation and entertainment, immersion in the natural surroundings, and curated activities for an unforgettable safari experience.


    Internet access & Wifi
    Air conditioning
    Indoor shower
    Outdoor shower
    Indoor bath
    Hair dryer